Space learning

Date: 8th Apr 2022 @ 8:13am

The children have loved our topic this term. They have learnt all about 'Space'.

During Literacy the children have looked at pobble pictures which generate lots of talk for writing. 

The children then use Inprint to read space words and describe the pobble pictures. 

They then write about the pictures using their phonic knowledge. 

The children then do their own drawings related to the picture - solar systems, galazy, space, space travel etc.

During topic learning the children have looked at lots of different aspects related to space - space travel to different planets, who goes to space? why do they go to space?

The children have thoroughly enjoyed the topic and made an assembly all about it. 

Please ask them about it. 

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Grainger - Office Manager

0161 260 0621