Class 1: Blog items

Reception Weekly Blog WB 21/3/2022

Date: 25th Mar 2022 @ 12:06pm

This week in Reception we have continued our learning on our topic Amazing Animals. This week we visited the jungle by reading and enjoying the Julia Donaldson book Monkey Puzzle. We did some fantastic drama where we made our bodies into the different animals and created factfiles which gave clues about the different animals before revealing what they were!

We have learned about different habitats and matched animals to where they live. We have also painted animals and learned to make sensible colour choices when we create pieces of art.

In Maths we have been consolidating this term's learning by playing games with bean bags and hopscotch to check that our knowledge of numbers up to ten is secure.

Next week we will be having a special furry stripey visitor in Reception!

Reception Weekly Blog WB 7/3/2022

Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 12:25pm

This week in Reception we have done some fantastic learning linked to our topic of Amazing Animals. In English we followed the adventures of a brave little chicken called Hattie Peck who went all over the world looking for abandoned eggs. We created story maps and used drama to recreated the places on her journey.

In Maths we have been continuing our learning about 9 and 10. This week we have been looking at numbers that are more and fewer and we have thought about what two numbers we add together to make 10.

In our afternoon learning we have been learning about the inspirational Sir David Attenborough. We have learned about his life and his work as a conservationist and naturalist. The children have become Recycling Rangers to help to look after our planet!

Next week we will be learning some more about animals that come from eggs.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 28.2.2022

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 4:21pm

This week in Reception we started our new Topic learning all about Amazing Animals! We started our topic using the book Farmyard Hullaballoo and did some fantastic learning including creating a soundscape of a farmyard in the classroom - it was VERY noisy. We also learned all about baby farm animals and thought about how farms are different around the world.

In Maths we have been developing a deeper understanding of the numbers 9 and 10 using ten frames and playing games to help us and make our learning fun.

We ended the week with a fantastic fun day to celebrate World Book Day. There were some fantastic costumes including The Highway Rat and Rapunzel as well as a vast array of superheroes and princesses. 

Next week we will be going on a journey with a little hen called Hattie Peck as she tries to find herself an egg.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 7/2/2022

Date: 10th Feb 2022 @ 4:24pm

Reception have had a fantastic week to end our topic Around the World. We have flown on a magic carpet around the world learning what Granny bought in each country from the book My Granny Went to Market.We did some fantastic drama creating actions for each part of the journey and performing the book as a class. We have also written postcards from Grannie from some of the places around the world - all the children are now confidently applying their phonics when they are writing.

In Maths we have been doing some measuring, identiftying the tallest and shortest objects. We have also been learning to sequence the days of the week - perhaps this is something you could practise with your child at home?

In our topic learning we have looked at the work of Kandinsky and created some artwork of our own in his style. We have also been colour mixing to make new colours from the three primary colours red blue and yellow.

We are looking forward to our Metacognition Curriculum week next week!


Reception Blog WB 31/1/2022

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 8:17pm

This week Receptin have been doing some fantastic learning about Chinese New Year.

In English we have enjoyed the story of The Runaway Wok, learning about a traditional story about the life of a poor family in Beijing. We have drawn our favourite parts of the story, written captions and enjoyed retelling the story using our own story maps. We learned about how Chinese people celebrate New Year - this year is the year of the tiger - and even made our own lanterns and a dragon to dance with.

In Maths we have been learning about 6,7, and 8 doing different activities to ensure that we can recognise each number in different ways and that our knowledge of each number is secure.

Next week we will be going on a journey all around the world to different markets to buy lots of interesting things!

Reception Weekly Blog- WB 24.01.22

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 10:23am

In Reception this week the children have continued their learning into different environments by looking at the non-fiction text 'Homes around the World'. The book has lots of different types of houses including igloos, yurts, river houses and houses on stilts. The children enjoyed using the book 'You Choose' to find their perfect house and then labelled it using their phonic knowledge. 

During continuous provision the children enjoyed using the workshop area to make the different houses from the book. Some of the children found some sugar cubes and decided to use them to make igloos, they enjoyed balancing them on top of each other. In the classroom we transformed our role play areas into travel agents and the children enjoyed role playing going on a holiday. We had lots of discussions about the different climates and looked at what we would need to pack in our suitcases if we went to a warm country or a cold country. 

Reception Weekly Blog WB 17.1.2022

Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 4:49pm

This week Reception have been doing some fantastic learning about the Arctic. They have discovered lots of animals that can live in very cold places and thought about what it would be like to live there. They even made their own igloos out of sugar cubes!

All our English learning this week has been linked to the Arctic through a wonderful book called A Flower in the Snow. In the book a little girl called Luna becomes best friends with a polar bear who helps her to  get her smile back by finding her a flower. We have loved describing  the characters and re-telling the story from such a lovely book.

In Maths this weeek we have been learing about capacity and measurement. We ended the week by measuring the ingredients to make our own play dough - it was great fun.

Next week we will be learning about homes in different parts of the world.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 4.1.2022

Date: 7th Jan 2022 @ 1:02pm

This week Reception enjoyed sharing with each other all the exciting things they had done over the holidays - they seem to have had a fantastic time!

In English we met Percy the Park Keeper and listened to what happened to him in One Snowy Night. We all thought that Percy was very kind to let all the animals come and sleep in his little hut! We wrote lots of fantastic sentences to describe his personality.

In Maths we have been doing lots of great learning about set of up to 5 - even sets of zero- what they look like, which ones are bigger and which ones are equal.

Our topic learning was all about Winter, so we were delighted when it snowed on Friday. We have made collaged snowflakes and snowmen and talked about what it is like in Winter.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 6/12/2021

Date: 10th Dec 2021 @ 2:45pm

This week Reception have been practising hard to make their Nativity play as special as possible for when they perform it for the school and film it for parents next week.

In English we have been doing lots of great learning about The Jolly Postman. We have been delivering letters to lots of fairy tale characters and doing some fantastic drama using freeze frames to portray some of the settings and characters from the book!

In Maths we have been learning about rectangles and special rectangles called squares - why not ask your child if they know what is the same and different about these two shapes.

Next week we will be meeting Fletcher the Fox again! This time he will be celebrating Christmas with the other woodland creatures.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 29.11.2021

Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 12:36pm

This week in Reception we have been learning all about The First Christmas to help us with our forthcoming Nativity performance so that we understand the story we are acting out. We have been doing lots of practising of our songs this week and we thnk we are sounding really good!

In Maths we have been doing lots of great learnig about one more and one less and singing lots of songs to support our learning - maybe you could ask your child to sing you one - maybe 5 Little Speckled Frogs or Five Green Bottles!

In our afternoons we have started to get ready for Christmas by making some lovely hats and cards.

Next week we will be doing lots of great learning about The Jolly Postman.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 22.11.2021

Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 3:28pm

This week in Reception we have done some fantastic learning about The Three Little Pigs. We created story maps and acted out the story using a Story Whoosh - we have some amazing actors and actresses in Reception.

In Maths we have been doing great learning about 4 and 5. Looking at different ways of showing them and sorting sets.

In the afternoons we have had a Science focus and we have been investigating friction, floating and sinking, melting and freezing and which materials are best for keeping out water. Lots of our predictions were right and we had great fun melting chocolate on our fingers (and licking it off!)

Next week we will be starting our Nativity rehearsals - we are VERY excited!

Reception weekly Blog WB 15.11.2021

Date: 22nd Nov 2021 @ 11:36am

This week was very busy in Reception. Nibbles the book monster was spotted in school - he left a trail of footprints all over Class 1! We were very worried as he likes to eat books amongst other things like soap and smelly socks. We created Wanted Posters so that the other children in school could help us to catch him and finally on Friday afternoon the children who were playing outside made a trap to catch him and put him back in his book. Great job Reception!

In Maths we were finding circles and triangles inside and outdoors and creating obstacle courses to show off how fantasteic we are at positional language.

In the afternoon we had great fun challenging our senses in different ways - feeling slimey jelly in a feely box was a firm favourite! We also looked at the work of Artist Andy Goldsworthy and created some natural artwork of our own.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 8.11.2021

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 11:52am

This week Reception ahve done some fantastic learning about Autumn. We started the week thinking about the sights and sounds of Bonfire Night. We created rockets and firework pictures and learned about how Bonfire Night started. 

On Tuesday we all had a lovely time in Alexandra Park on our Autumn Walk. We looked at the different leaves and collected leaves to print with and make leaf men. We saw lots of different birds and even a squirrel!

In English we have been doing some fantastic learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We used the drama technique of Story Whoosh for the first time and discovered we have some great budding actors and actresses!

In Maths we have been continuing our learning in the phases 'It's me 1,2,3' and found lots of different ways to represent the numbers, matching sets and one more and less.

Reception Weekly Bliog WB 1.11.2021

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 4:40pm

This week Reception were excited to arrive at school to find that their outdoor learning area had been transformed. Now that the building work has taken place we will be looking to raise lots of money over the coming months to buy some fantastic equipment to make our outdoor learning brilliant. The children will be raising the money themselves so listen out for their ideas!

In English we met Fletcher the fox for the first time - we will meet him every time their is a change of season!- this time he had an Autumn adventure. We loved watching him trying to stop his favourite tree from dropping its leaves and did some fantastic descriptions of the tree in Autumn and winter.

In maths we have been doing some great learning about what shows 1 ,2, and 3 inside and outside!

We learned all about the fesival of Divali and made some very glittery divas to light up our classroom - class 1 used them to add some sparkle to their attendance treat on Friday.

Next week we will be meeting Goldilocks and going on an Autumn walk.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 11.10.2021

Date: 20th Oct 2021 @ 12:26pm

This week Reception had a strange visitor into their singing practice. The Highway Rat barged in and tried to stael all our pastries and puddings. We managed to pursuade him that at Greenhill we only have healthy snacks and that at our school we share not steal ! 

We have spent the week trying to help the Highway Rat become a good Greenhill citizen by teaching him to be caring and kind. We have shown him how to make bird feeders, thank you cards and biscuits to share.

We have also designed Greenhill citizen badges and made cookies to give to people who help us in school.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 11.10.2021

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 3:50pm

This week we have been doing lots of great learning about The Runaway Chapatti which is a traditional Indian tale about a little girl who makes a chapatti which escapes and runs away. He ends up in a tiger's tummy but meets lots of characters along the way!We finished off the week by making chapattis and egg curry with Mrs Ali - it was delicious!

In Maths we have been making repeating patterns using different shapes sizes and colours. We have made patterns inside and outside and challenged our friends to carry them on. 

We have been singing lots of songs about Autumn and Harvest - ask your child to sing about the Big Red Combine Harvester and I'm sure you will enjoy listening to them!

Next week we will be doing some exciting learning about The Highway Rat in our Curriculum Week.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 4.10.2021

Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 4:09pm

This week Reception went on Local Area walks. We saw lots of different buildings and other features in the local community. Back in school we have made a map of the area using box modelled buildings. We used Google Eatrth to look at how our local community fits into the world.

In English we did lots of great learning about the book 'In Every House in Every Street' and compared the house in the book to our own. We had fun thinking of silly things which we did in each room!

In Maths we have been comparing length and quantities and seeing who is  taller and who is shorter.

Next week our story is The Runaway Chapatti - and our treat on Friday will be to make chapattis and egg curry - we can't wait!

Reception Weekly Blog WB 27.9.2021

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 1:48pm

Reception have had lots of fun this week learning about houses in the 1940s as part of our English learning about the book Peepo. We looked at the different rooms in a house and said what was the same and different to our own houses. We saw record players, radios and toilets that were very different from what we are used to! We also shared lots of ideas about who is in our familiy.

In maths we have been very busy matching and sorting lots of different sets of objects.

Next week everyone in Reception will be going on a Local Area walk and we will be talking about what we can find in our local community.We will be comparing quantities and sizes in maths as well as singing lots of counting songs.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 20.09.2021

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 3:40pm

This week in Reception we have done lots of great learning about the traditional story of Little Red Riding Hood. We have drawn story maps and listened to lots of different versions of the story and told it ouselves using puppets. We had lots of fun baking cakes for Grandma too!

We have been looking at some paintings by the artist Picasso and have created our own self portraits in the style of his 'Weeping Woman'.

In Maths we have been singing lots of counting songs and counting movements and objects. In phonics we have focused on the sounds 'i' 'n' 'm' and 'd' learning how to make the sound accurately and form  them correctly in our writing.

Next week we will be reading Peepo and we look forward to hearing lots about the childrens homes and families!

Reception Weekly Blog WB13.01.2021

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 11:52am

We have had a fantastic week in Reception finding out all about what makes us INCREDIBLE! Our book this week was Incredible You and to start the week we shared our ideas about what animal we would like to be - we had lots of roaring lions and tigers! Later in the week we thought about why we are incredible then went on to say why other people in the class were incredible and to pay them compliments. The children were very kind and supportive of each others feelings and had lots of nice things to say.

Next week we will be reading Little Red Riding Hood and baking some cakes for Grandma.

In Maths we have been doing lots of counting, singing number songs and have become familiar with the classroom visual time table which shows what order things happen in the classroom.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 6/9/2021

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 12:01pm

All the Teachers in Reception are amazingly proud of all the children who have started in Reception this week. They have been absolute superstars!! They have got used to school routines really quickly and have followed our Bucket Rules brilliantly. 

In English we have introduced the children to the story behind their classes reading area and they have explored all the other areas in their classrooms.

In Maths we have sung lots of counting songs and counted to 10 using our bodies.

We are looking forward to finding our what makes us all INCREDIBLE next week when we read the book Incredible You!

Reception Blog WB 5.7.2021

Date: 5th Jul 2021 @ 12:59pm

In Reception we started doing lots of fantastic learning about The Rainbow Fish. The children have been sequencing the story and thinking about the characters we read about. We did lots of thinking about the choices that the Rainbow Fish made  and if we would do the same.

In Maths we have been doing lots of tricky learning about problem solving. The Cheeky Kangaroo came and stole some things from our board and we had to work out what he had take!

We also used the books Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs and Mr Gumpys Outing to help us with our learning.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 21.6.2021

Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 11:08am

This week we have continued our learning about sea creatures. We have devised some riddles to give clues about a sea creeature and we guessed which animal it was - there were some tricky clues! 

In maths we have been learning about odd and even numbers - looking at putting sets of objects into pairs and seeing if there are any left over. It is tricky learning!

In our garden the bean plants are getting really tall now and the carrot seedlings have poked through the soil. We have planted strawberries too. Lots of children say that the sunflower plants that were sent home as seeds at Easter are getting REALLY tall now - we would love to see some phtos of them on Seesaw!

Reception Weekly Blog WB 14.6.2021

Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 12:15pm

This week Reception started their new topic of 'Water'.We read the book Commototion in the Ocean which introduced us to lots of poems about sea creatures. We reasearched some of them using iPads and found out lots of amazing facts - did you know that an octopus has three hearts and can grow new arms! We wrote some fantastic descriptions of the creatures too!

In maths we have been learning how to divide by sharing equally. We helped teddy bears to  have a fair picnic and gingerbread men have an equal number of buttons!

Next week we shall be writing riddles about the sea creatures and odd and even numbers.

Curriculum Week in Reception WB 7.6.2021

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 3:57pm

Reception had a really exciting week looking at what technology could be used in space and space travel.We used search engines to investigate some of the planets and found out some really amazing facts! We constructed Moon Buggies inside and outside and went on an adventure into space! We made Aliens after we had read the book The Way Back Home which told the story of a little boy and an alien getting stuck on the moon and helping each other to mend ther space craft and get home.

We thought about what one special thing we would take on our journey in space - there were some interesting choices including a bouncy castle!

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